A camera system is only as good as the quality of the images it captures. Low quality images only give a general idea of what happened and do nothing to catch criminals. Our highly sophisticated camera systems not only provide adequate image quality to identify criminals but also real-time Artificial Intelligence that can catch criminals in the act. At Safezone USA we specialize in 4K Ultra high-definition cameras and higher.

Our camera systems offer features like:
•Full color at night
•Built-in microphones
•Perimeter protection with Artificial Intelligence
•Smart motion detection
•AI search
•Instant notifications
•Real-time facial recognition
•POS interface
•Vehicle recognition
•Wide angle lenses
•3 year warranty
•And much more

Warning… These are high quality professional grade camera systems. Not cheap grocery store knock-offs.

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We even offer 24 hour video monitoring to save and focus manpower where needed. 
